You are a butterfly. You move from plant to plant. You rest and feed, and as you do, you spread the plants' genetic code and change how future generations will grow.

As the butterfly, land on a plant to drop some pollen and pick some up.

"Pollen" here is the actual functions that made the plant evolve to look the way it does. When you drop those functions on a plant, they'll apply to its future offspring. See something you like about one of the plants in your world? Try to breed it with some others!

As the cloud, provide rain to help new plants grow.

Once a plant has received enough water, its seeds—affected by your work as the butterfly—will start growing nearby.


  • Return (or Y on gamepad): switch between butterfly and cloud
  • Space (or A on gamepad): rain
  • Arrow keys (or directional whatever on gamepad): move

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